C8 Featured in a Financial Times Article

Published: February 10, 2021

Direct Indexing looks set to disrupt the retail ETF market

C8 featured today in an Financial Times article discussing how Direct Indexing can be a complement to Funds and ETFs.   Mattias (our CEO) was quoted as saying:

“We have 7,000 strategies to choose from. We work with pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, fund of funds as well as family offices and corporate treasurers. It’s going to be big going forward. We are starting to see what is going to be the future,” said Eriksson, who added that interest had been particularly strong among Chinese institutions.

Two of our index providers, Ned Davis Research and Solactive, were also interviewed for the article.  Please read the full piece at:  https://on.ft.com/3rDhUd5

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