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MI2 Partners – Thoughts From The Divide: Spectacle

Another week into Trump 2.0 and you’d be forgiven for starting to tune out some of the news around the administration. After all, nothing screams kabuki more than touting “yuge” concessions from the Canadian and Mexican governments that were already in the works… Admittedly it’s two birds with one stone (that was going to be thrown anyway) for the US’s neighbors, but it does make it hard to take the threat of tariffs seriously. That being said, while some of the spectacle is certainly theater, like a bullfight it does come with horns as markets and political actors react to the latest news. Read more →

Day Hagan/NDR Smart Sector® with Catastrophic Stop Strategy February 2025 Update

Day Hagan/Ned Davis Research Smart Sector® with Catastrophic Stop strategy, model and allocations update. Read more →

C8’s Weekly Bulletin: Seasons Greetings!

It has been another strong year for C8 Technologies, as we continue to expand and spread the direct indexing message worldwide. We could not have done it without you all, our clients, partners and friends.  We are very grateful for all your support in sharing our journey and achievements. Thank you!  May we wish you the season's greetings and best wishes for 2023. For our final issue of the year, we highlight the recent recovery in interest rate and bond markets, and in 'long-only' allocation strategies, both of which were hit hard in the first three quarters of 2022.  Read more →
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