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Thoughts From The Divide: Identifying Ducks

While we may have missed getting out our Thoughts From The Divide year-in-review piece before the new year (mea maxima culpa), we did manage to spend some time going through our “best of” and “greatest hits” in anticipation of the changing of the calendar. As usual, there were some repeated themes and tropes, but at the highest level, what struck us was that last year seemed very much governed by the timeless question from the underrated philosopher of science, Whitney Houston: “How will I know?” (closely followed by her observation that “crack is whack”) Read more →

C8 Weekly Bulletin: Central banks meet amid forecast failures

Welcome to our first issue of the C8 Weekly Bulletin. With many years of market experience, we at C8 see real benefits from having a concise overview of key economic and policy developments, whatever the specific investment approach. We are happy to share this overview with our clients and partners, and, where appropriate, highlight indices on C8 Studio which resonate with the current market environment. Read more →

NDR Fixed Income Allocation Strategy January 2023 Update

The NDR Fixed Income Allocation Strategy, Positioning Update Read more →
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