iClima Earth brings to market another unique equity index, this time providing exposure to companies promoting the decentralisation of energy generation.  Distributed renewable generation is the ecosystem that allows green energy to be created and managed close to the point of use, for example at home.  iClima Distributed Renewable Energy Index_March_28_2021

Distributed Renewable Energy involves converging decarbonising technologies and includes residential solar panels, energy storage, smart meters, vehicle-to-grid energy (‘V2G’), electric vehicle charging, smart inverters, and software solutions that leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to manage the system. Coupled with energy storage solutions, they can bring a variety of benefits to the system: frequency control, demand response, mitigate the overload of dated transmission lines, support continuous balancing of the electricity supply, and increase the overall reliability. Currently representing 50 companies in equal weight, the index rebalances semi-annually and is calculated and published by Solactive AG.

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