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Thoughts From The Divide: Signals vs Omens – Sept 6

Call me superstitious, but some irrational part of me can’t help but think the disappointment surrounding the Nvidia results had wider significance. Like  Mary Poppins leaving when the wind changes, sometimes it’s something mundane which, with the benefit of hindsight, signals a shift in sentiment. It’s not that Nvidia never disappoints, but it has come to feel like that recently. And since the Nvidia results, stocks do seem to have lost their mojo, in marked contrast to bonds. Read more →

MI2 Partners Thoughts From The Divide: Friction

If you’re wondering what the crashing sound is in the background, it’s the bull in the China shop discussed last week as the Trump Administration works up a full head of steam. Will it go through with 25% tariffs on the US’s neighbors? Is there going to be a giant sucking sound in some parts of the economy courtesy of a potential funding freeze on federal grants and loans? Will there be a squeeze in citrus prices due to missing workers in California? The age-old shoulder shrug of “time will tell” certainly applies, but some people aren’t taking the uncertainty sitting down. Read more →

Day Hagan/NDR Smart Sector® with Catastrophic Stop Strategy July 2024 Update

Day Hagan/Ned Davis Research Smart Sector® with Catastrophic Stop strategy, model and allocations update. Read more →
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