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Thoughts From The Divide: Collateral Damage – May 31 2024 – MI2 Partners

If this week’s title sends a small shiver down your spine, you may be in the Real Estate/lending business. Sadly, there doesn’t appear to be any quick or easy cures, which is perhaps unsurprising as the hits keep coming. Bank OZK is the latest example, getting slammed after a Citi analyst noted “substantial concerns” over the company’s “largest individual loan… and Life Science construction lending in general”. Some might think the residential side is also showing some cracks, with pending home sales slumping to the “lowest level since the start of the pandemic”, and with an increasing number of listings opting to cut prices. The latter metric might itself be muted by the number of listings getting pulled… Cheery stuff! Read more →

USDJPY and Gamma Trading (29th July 2024)

In our piece in February (Turning Japanese, Feb 2024) we discussed how carry trades in currencies have a predisposition to trade an “escalator / liftshaft” pattern. The Japanese Yen, as the principal funding currency, is particularly vulnerable to violent reversals to what has been a remarkably steady and successful carry trade. In the last couple of weeks, as analysts started to consider the possibility of a BoJ rate hike at their meeting on 31st July, JPY crosses exhibited a bout of significant strength. USDJPY fell around 10 big figures from ~162 to 152. Is that enough to have cleared the decks? Simply put, it is not possible to clear out two years of accumulated positions in a couple of weeks. The fact that CFTC commitment of trader positioning was showing JPY shorts at their most extended since 2007 (pre GFC) before last week’s sharpish position reduction, suggests this is merely a shot across the bows, so far. Japanese retail traders (Mrs Watanabe) have slowed accumulation to a stand still but wholesale flight is far from evident. Read more →

Thoughts From The Divide: Hold On Tight

“It’s obvious that there’s going to be stress and losses”. The comment is from Janet Yellen’s comments this week and comes from the discussion of the ongoing CRE dumpster fire. Stress and losses aside, the Treasury Secretary was unruffled, following up with the comment, “I hope and believe that this will not end up being a systemic risk to the banking system.” Yellen did admit that size matters. While “The exposure of the largest banks is quite low,… there may be smaller banks that are stressed by these developments” Read more →
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